First SLOG

Hi to whoever is reading this!
I am more enthusiastic after taking this course as a third year commerce student. Being in class with first-year students reminds me of my first year experience. I was curious and silly at that time.

I think most people take the course because they heard it is easy and GPA is important. Well, I am one of them. Before the first class, I was expecting writing codes, but it was actually much better than that. The course is basic and it does cultivate computational thinkings. It is a different language. We are being tested on how well we understand the language.

I did well on the first quiz, but for the second, I never thought I need to go into that detailed. Mastering the exercise is the key to the quiz. I am confident on the third quiz. I have no ideas about CS topics, and I would like to go with the flow.

Good luck fellows!


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